Old practices, institutions, relationships, policies, and thinking can no longer serve us. We cannot be in a New World with our feet planted in the past. We must be open to new information that will allow us to create everything new in order to be relevant in our changing world. We will provide international leadership though the New World Empowerment Center as it initiates, “A New Way for a New Day”.
The old ways arenʼt working well in the New Day. We will need to create new spirituality, new institutions, and new boundaries in order to navigate a New World. We will need to tear down walls between us, and accept each other as another child of God, of the Universe. We can no longer be concerned only about ourselves, our families, and our neighbors. We must now develop empathy for our human brothers and sisters worldwide.
Technology has done much to change our world. We cannot go backward. Life goes forward. It is so ordained.
Join us as we share “A New Way for A New Day”. Donʼt be left behind. Be part of the change that we came to create. Be a part of the New World Empowerment Center.
Old Way: Top down institutions, social inequality, unequal access, control of information, power over people, “for their own good” policies and practices, human-centered worldview, tribal; unequal access to education; policies and practices that discriminate; elimination of information that does not fit a view of “reality”; desired legacy: goods accumulated.
New Way: Individual choices, power through people, all created equal, all human life has value, global community, human unity, empowerment through equality, institutions serve people, free access to information, value of an open and inquiring mind; information that does not fit a view of “reality” examined and shared; legacy: service.
New Day: Change (evolution) is. It is always occurring even when we canʼt see it. We can note it best by reflecting on the past, but it is often difficult to see it as it occurs. What changes have you seen in the past 20-40-60 years? Even if you havenʼt personally witnessed them, youʼre heard of changes from parents and others, and read about them in history. Now itʼs time to address not where we were, but where we are now, and where weʼre going. Itʼs time to focus on “A New Way for a New Day.”